
Bottomless Everything 无限续杯

Lattes, Cappuccinos, Mochas, Caramel Macchiatos, Espresso, Americanos, Pumpkin Spice Lattes, and Coffee .... are all bottomless for the month of November. Buy any drink and receive unlimited in-store free refills.

Holiday Discounted Pizza starting at 29 RMB, 19 RMB for Calzones

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RestRoom Coffee

I was mildly amused by this since they probably didn't intend to appeal to those drinking coffee while in the bathroom...


Penguin Comic- Coffee vs Tea

Local Comic writer Jeffrey Lee Boldt has provided a comic comparing coffee and tea. Click image for close-up.


One more reason to never stop drinking coffee

"Research shows that the unpleasant effects of caffeine withdrawal may be serious enough to qualify as an official psychiatric disorder."

from Psychology Today

Should a slip in the daily routine prevent you from quaffing your "cup of ambition," you probably don't need a caffeine researcher to tell you what will happen next—you will start to feel sick. In a case of science proving what anyone who has skipped their morning coffee ritual knows, researchers declared that withdrawal from caffeine (the world's most popular stimulant) constitutes an official disorder.

A Johns Hopkins Medical School study that reviewed over 170 years of research concluded that caffeine withdrawal is a verifiable syndrome, wherein at least half of regular caffeine users will experience withdrawal if denied their habitual dose. Even those who drink as little as one cup a day are at risk of experiencing withdrawal symptoms including headaches, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, depression and irritability, or even flu-like nausea and muscle pain.

As a result of the research review, "caffeine withdrawal" will likely be included in the next edition of the DSM, or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders—the bible of psychiatric disorders. While some have argued that the DSM pathologizes normal human predicaments, lead researcher Roland Griffiths, professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at Johns Hopkins, says the disorder's inclusion in the DSM will help physicians and psychologists to be more sensitive to the cause and presence of these sometimes debilitating symptoms.

Caffeine withdrawal unleashes such wide-ranging aches and pains because it acts to prohibit a major neurotransmitter called adenosine. "Adenosine is responsible for a variety of activity in the central and peripheral nervous system," says Griffiths.

"All the effects of taking caffeine are opposite of the effects of adenosine." For example, while adenosine, which depresses the nervous system, dilates the blood vessels in the head, caffeine restricts them. Withdrawal from caffeine reverses the effect with a vengeance, increasing normal blood flow through vessels, and causing a pounding headache.

As with any addictive substance, there is a reason we get hooked on caffeine in the first place. While coffee's rich aroma stimulates the senses, its caffeine revs up the brain and boosts alertness and mood.

"Caffeine is a mild stimulant," says Griffiths, "and particularly for people who don't use it regularly, it's a wonderful drug for combating fatigue and restoring mental performance. It also enhances exercise endurance." Once caffeine hits the bloodstream, the mind is quicker and memory improves.

But while coffee addicts fervently attest to caffeine's benefits, and claim they can't talk to their coworkers or turn on their computer without it, as their tolerance to the stuff increases, they mistake benefits they feel. For them the stimulatory effects have more to do with avoiding the bad effects of withdrawal, says Griffiths. "There are great benefits if you're not a regular user, but the effect that daily users attribute to caffeine is really reversal of withdrawal symptoms."

Despite having christened a new disorder, Griffiths doesn't believe everybody needs to quit caffeine consumption. "There is nothing wrong with being physically dependent on caffeine, unless the person has a condition that is worsened by caffeine, such as anxiety, insomnia, panic, and heart problems, or if they are pregnant," he says.

In fact, coffee's pros probably outweigh its cons. The Harvard Women's Health Watch reviewed the various effects of coffee on the body, and judged the drink to be beneficial, when sipped in moderation. Regular coffee drinkers show a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes, gallstones and colon cancer. And they show improved cognitive function and are less likely to develop Parkinson's disease.

For those who do want to quit without bringing on the wrath of caffeine withdrawal, Griffith recommends that junkies first take a careful inventory of exactly how much caffeinated foods and drinks they consume, and then gradually replace those with decaffeinated versions, over a period of a few weeks or a month. And for coffee adherents who find the line at Starbucks prohibitively long, you may soon be able to ask for a note from your doctor excusing you from the day ahead.


Coffee and its Psychological Effects

"Psychologists report in Science that you’re more likely to think warmly of someone else if you’re holding something warm in your hand like a mug of coffee or tea. The experimenters, Lawrence Williams of the University of Colorado and John Bargh of Yale, gave cups of either hot or iced coffee to people and asked them to rate someone’s personality based on a packet of information. The ones who held the hot cup rated that individual significantly higher for “warmth” than did the subjects holding the iced coffee."


Coffee houses are back with a lesson from history

"But what has this addiction to caffeine and comfy sofas done to our society? Has it drawn us together, as the coffee houses of the 18th century once did? Or has it emphasized the isolation of city life that preoccupies sociologists today? It is a question with which Eric Laurier is deeply familiar. Three years ago this social geographer published the first fruits of a £140,000 research project entitled “The Cappuccino Community” which studied the phenomenon of the modern café."
“If you only hang out with your own little faction your ideas get weirder and weirder until you do people harm. They knew that in the 18th century,” he says. “Those superbankers blew up so spectacularly precisely because they stopped going to coffee houses.”



Biz Quirk #3- The Call Back

One of the strangest quirks of doing business here is the "call back." The "call back" is defined as anyone or any company who promises to phone you back and then never actually does or intended to do so. It happens daily and can pose a certain hurdle to getting things done. What makes this even more quirky is the fact that 90% of the time a "call back" is promised but not delivered even when an agreement of purchase has already been agreed upon. Sometimes it seems that the company is in fact going out of their way to not make a sale rather than simply accepting the money and delivering said product/service. The icing on this not-so-tasty cake is that it is just as common among big foreign companies that have branches within China as it is with local companies.

I have also included a translation guide for commonly used phrases or answers:

不可能 (lit. impossible)
true meaning- its possible but I have no interest in really trying

马上 (lit. immediately)
true meaning- could be a few hours, maybe today, and possibly tomorrow

今天 (lit. today)
true meaning- i have high aspirations for getting this done but I might be busy today so probably early tomorrow morning

明天 (lit. tomorrow)
true meaning- actual time is unknown but I am not doing it today and don't plan to remember it if you ask tomorrow

后天 (lit. day after tomorrow)
true meaning- it's never going to happen and don't bother calling me about it


From the Archives- Coffee Scare 1932

Coffee Scare

Though few U. S. coffee-drinkers knew it, a threat hung over them last week. There was a possibility that soon their coffee cups might not be refilled at the asking, even that they might not be filled at all. The blockade of revolutionary forces in the great Brazilian coffee port of Santos by the Federal Government was threatening the chief source of U. S. coffee. Slipping out after the blockade was established, the last coffee boat from Santos docked in Manhattan Aug. 4 with 13,200 bags aboard.


Starbucks wastes 6 million gallons of water a day

This week Starbucks has been criticized about leaving their taps on non-stop at over 10,000 locations and wasting over 6 million gallons of water a day. Apparently, this is accordance with a health regulation to ensure they don't have a bacteria problem. That amount of water is enough to fill an Olympic size swimming pool every 83 minutes or sustain the population in drought-hit Nambia. That's a lot of water.


the "Fictional" Inspection

I am going to tell you a "story" about a situation that may or may not have taken place in a real or fictional world country at a given point between the beginning of time until specifically October 7th. This "unknown" country may or may not have been infamous for its quality control problems. But it is here that a company or perhaps even someone saw firsthand why these quality control problems exist and why they will continue to exist for the unforeseeable but certainly indeterminable future. This "unspecified pronoun" was at "unspecified pronoun's" job and was visited by the department of Hogwash (which may or may not be the real name of a department modeled after any government department or agency.) It was the department of Hogwash (doH) that informed our "unspecified pronoun" of an upcoming inspection that may be happening in one hour or perhaps in one hour. The interesting thing was the doH was coming one hour ahead of time to not only inform our "unspecified pronoun" of the doH inspection but also of the things that needed to be changed or fixed before that inspection was to take place. So the "unspecified pronoun" made the changes suggested and when what may or may not of been the exact same people from the doH returned the "unspecified pronoun" was informed that inspection had been passed and that everything seem to look OK and nothing looked amiss. Although our "unspecified pronoun" surely had nothing to hide and only had inconsequential things to fix, the "unspecified pronoun" pondered how companies or "criminals" that did have something to hide would surely be able to hide those things within this system. Hence there forth realizing that this inspection problem would never be able to bolster quality control and “might” even encourage more problems than if there were no inspections at all.


The Social Binder

"Over second and third cups flow matters of high finance, high state, common gossip and low comedy. [Coffee] is a social binder, a warmer of tongues, a soberer of minds, a stimulant of wit, a foiler of sleep if you want it so. From roadside mugs to the classic demi-tasse, it is the perfect democr@t." - The New York Times, 1949