Quick trip to Guiyang left me with the ever present challenge of finding coffee. This will be a short review as I truly found nothing to even review. Kunming seems like a more modern city than most other Chinese cities at times but it seems like it will be the last Chinese city to see true foreign investment. Guiyang a city a much smaller population and the feel of a not so modern city has foreign hotels all over the place and even the ever-growing Papa Johns pizza. For coffee I have never seen a hotel with coffee even worth trying but Miracle Plaza's coffee was truly one of a kind. I have never seen a pot of coffee literally boiling for hours on end especially considering even a few minutes on a hot plate usually ruins a coffee's flavor I can only imagine what a continuous boil will do for those beans.
One thing that was pretty memorable in Guiyang was this street artist.
See if you recognize his borrowed "masterpiece."