
Who will answer the cries for help?

Who hears the shouts from another's home?

In my tongue, in their tongue- all cries for help

If I do not answer surely someone will

But if that someone never comes - can I live with the guilt and pain?

I know the guards think they came in vain

I know the police think this was another foreigner's silly game

If they come and ignore - wasn't it all still the same?

Why do they make me feel like somehow I am the one to blame?

Why does "educating" now involve such violence and shame?

Does a wife or child need bruises to prove they have learned?

Does a angry man think that this will really go unpunished?

Raining blows on the helpless will certainly bring its own storm

Why has this behavior now become the norm?

The blacks and blues on her face will eventually heal

But damage to the soul will always have a hue of black and teal

Who will answer the cries for help?
Who will answer the cries for help?

*Note- this is in reference to a neighbor in our building from a few days ago. we tried to help when we heard their cries but we still dont know what happened.


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