Today's Intake:
McD's Double-Cheeseburger
Breyer's Rocky Road Ice Cream
Apple-Cranberry Dessert Pizza
Streusel Dessert Pizza
Stuffed Deep Dish Pizza
This would make it seem like it is the diet of a glutton but every item on this menu was eaten by and large because I own a coffee shop. Today I chose to spend my day scouring downtown looking for possible store locations.

I chose a Double-Cheeseburger as my lunch so I could check email during lunch and because it was the only quick meal to choose since Kunming doesn't have a lot of healthy fast food restaurants to choose from.

Rocky Road Ice Cream was next to make sure it was truly in fact the genuine Breyer's brand. When in China you never know when someone is trying to pass a fake as the real deal so you must approach everything sceptically. My taste test's purpose was to determine whether the real Breyers was in Kunming and whether or not we could add that to our coffee shops offerings. I won't pretend like that was a sacrifice at all.

Two dessert pizzas were up next. We are making dessert pizzas for taste testing because most Chinese customers ask for fruit pizza. I am happy to try our hand at a few genuine fruit dessert pizzas but in no way will I compromise to make the normal "not so delicious" Chinese fruit pizza that sometimes is served with/without mayonnaise.

Finally, the stuffed deep dish pizza. Normally, I wouldn't top off my day with a pizza in light of my other food choices but we are testing a new cooking method to improve our pizza's quality. So that means somebody has to try it and see if the new cooking method really is an improvement or not.