Diversify- Please give us something unique and interesting. There are only so many teahouses and fruit stores that a community can realistically support. The complex where our coffee shop is located has 31 teahouses at last count.

You gots to spend money to make money- You have to flat out spend the money before you can ever hope to make money. This new coffee shop has yet to turn on their lights. Many small business hold the philosophy of only lighting their store when a customer comes in. The flaw with this mentality is that if you don't turn on the lights and go all out then the customer is never going to venture in and give your product or service a try. The new coffee shop is saving a few cents a day because they never turn their interior lights on but losing waffles more because nobody is going to journey into the black abyss to drink coffee, 15 RMB ($2.1 USD) instant coffee of all things. We take all competition seriously and don't think lightly of any of our three nearest competitors but come on and at least step up to the plate and make us work a little.
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