16 hours is how long it took me to get from Lijiang, a city in the north of Yunnan, to Kunming. It sounds reasonable if I took the bus, or a train, or even perhaps walked but its not a reasonable amount of time to fly from Lijiang to Kunming. The flight normally takes a literal 40 minutes. The flight is so fast that by the time you make it to the bathroom after they reach cruising altitude they are already asking you to go back to your seat to prepare for our descent. I don't mind being delayed for weather because there is nothing you can do. What brews me is when nobody knows anything about when they hope to begin flying again. They couldn't tell you if it was going to be a 15 minute delay or whether or not you were going to have to wait until tomorrow to get out. Then the kicker is the "stop asking and we will tell you when your flight is going to go" and you ask a few hours later to hear the not-so-surprising "oh that flight just left 5 minutes ago."
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