Starbucks and their overpriced $4 lattes. That seems to be a major complaint for the new coffee shop wave that has exploded stateside and abroad. Starbucks bears a lot of this hate as most people hold them directly responsible. I find this complaint about coffee especially fascinating.
First, it always seems that some or most of the people that are complaining are also frequent buyers. It must not be that
overpriced if you still consume it daily.
Second, is it really that overpriced? A can of soda/pop/coke is on average a $1 to $1.50. At a restaurant we don't flinch when we drop $2 to $5 on that same drink. Good wine can escalate way past $100 a glass. Bottled water is even $1 -$2.

Now I can definitely concede that wine is more expensive to make and that the cost of raw coffee beans are actually quite low. But every other beverage, besides coffee, requires little or absolutely no labor to prepare for the customer. Wine has to be uncorked but last time I checked that wasn't a very complicated process. Soda and bottled water requires no effort. But when you buy coffee beans at that comparatively low price they don't just magically ooze into a piping hot latte to be enjoyed. Espresso drinks take labor. It takes complicated and expensive equipment. It takes make it right at least. Coffee beans from numerous different countries or regions have to be blended together to make a good espresso blend, they then are roasted, then ground into a fine powder, then pressurized water is pushed through them, and usually milk needs to steamed or froth so that you can finally combine the drink to make a wonderfully tasting latte or cappuccino.
I do have sympathy for people here because many cannot truly afford a latte or cappuccinos. For most it is really a thing of luxury. But at least stateside I think its time to stop hating on Starbucks because of a $4 drink.
As Americans if we were at one point able to fork over $1-2 on this:

then $3-4 for this ain't so bad
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