
the "Fictional" Inspection

I am going to tell you a "story" about a situation that may or may not have taken place in a real or fictional world country at a given point between the beginning of time until specifically October 7th. This "unknown" country may or may not have been infamous for its quality control problems. But it is here that a company or perhaps even someone saw firsthand why these quality control problems exist and why they will continue to exist for the unforeseeable but certainly indeterminable future. This "unspecified pronoun" was at "unspecified pronoun's" job and was visited by the department of Hogwash (which may or may not be the real name of a department modeled after any government department or agency.) It was the department of Hogwash (doH) that informed our "unspecified pronoun" of an upcoming inspection that may be happening in one hour or perhaps in one hour. The interesting thing was the doH was coming one hour ahead of time to not only inform our "unspecified pronoun" of the doH inspection but also of the things that needed to be changed or fixed before that inspection was to take place. So the "unspecified pronoun" made the changes suggested and when what may or may not of been the exact same people from the doH returned the "unspecified pronoun" was informed that inspection had been passed and that everything seem to look OK and nothing looked amiss. Although our "unspecified pronoun" surely had nothing to hide and only had inconsequential things to fix, the "unspecified pronoun" pondered how companies or "criminals" that did have something to hide would surely be able to hide those things within this system. Hence there forth realizing that this inspection problem would never be able to bolster quality control and “might” even encourage more problems than if there were no inspections at all.

1 comment:

Beloved said...

This hurts my head to read.