
Debunking Myth #3- Can't teach an old dog new tricks

Perhaps I am that old dog. But I would say that there were many new tricks I have learned from Year One of the Coffee Business.

"Yes" does not always mean "yes" - in fact sometimes it does not mean anything at all

Roasting my own coffee and running a coffee company has tripled my coffee intake and my joy in drinking coffee

I view landlords in a different light

I do not appreciate being threatened but I have learned that I do not easily back down

If given the opportunity some people will gladly down 5 Grande Mochas without blinking

Cooking and baking can be very therapeutic

Hot Brewed Coffee never goes out of season

Confusion is a very strong negotiating tactic

A properly crafted latte can take as little as 52 seconds

Humor knows no language barrier

There is no common ground quite like a coffee shop

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