
Breaking News- THINK UK under new management

Maybe its not breaking and maybe its not news but for those of us that live and work in the massive apartment complex THINK UK the idea of the management being booted at midnight and a new regime taking over immediately it is at least noteworthy. And yes I do mean that a new regime is here. In place of the old gatekeepers and guards there are masses of military police looking guards. These new super patrols give off the aura of storm troopers in the "I feel like this is going to be a lot worse for everyone involved" sort of way.

I returned home tonight at 12:30 to what looked like a bomb scare. 20 storm troopers at every entrance and hundreds of fellow THINK UK'ers all meandering about trying to figure out what was happening. Now as many know the management and I have never really got along for numerous of reasons. In fact, when asked to vote for which new management company I wanted I infamously used my 3 votes to vote for life without any management company. No one to nitpick every coffee shop decision we make and no one to keep me from ridding our neighborhood from our teeming mangy cat population once and for all. But alas, I am a bit worried that the few problems we had with the old management may grow into some serious problems with any new management company. Especially one that seems to favor a little too heavily in the 厉害 (li hai- shrewd) department.

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